Pregnancy is when a woman is carrying a child inside her womb for up to 40+ weeks before giving birth to a baby. This time is known as the gestation period. The embryo develops over the first eight weeks after conception, after which time it is then referred to as the fetus. The length of pregnancy is divided into three trimesters. The first trimester is from fertilization of the egg with sperm (conception), -12 weeks in the womb, the second trimester is week 13 – 28 and the third is weeks 28 – 40+ after which the baby is born.
Pregnancy is the way we reproduce. It comes about by either sexual intercourse or assisted reproductive technology such as In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). Symptoms include missed periods, nausea or vomiting, loss and gain or appetite, frequent urination and tender breasts.
Every pregnancy will be experienced differently. Some women will feel all the symptoms, and other hardly any. Some women may have complications during pregnancy and others not. If you suspect you may be pregnant, you can go to the doctor for an official test, or take a home test, after which you'll need to see a doctor to confirm and then begin the prenatal care for the remainder of your pregnancy.
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