A newborn is a bundle of joy. They grow so fast you truly how no idea how precious your little baby is until it’s too late sometimes. Nevertheless, that does not mean every second will be rainbows and puppies. Babies spit up, poop, and cry… a lot! You might even experience colic – it’s a condition when a baby cries and cries, sometimes for no reason at all it seems. The symptoms usually start around a few weeks of age but stop around four to six months old. Instead of getting frustrated and stressed out when your baby cries, try to see if he or she has any of these symptoms of colic. Don’t worry; there are a few treatments that can help a colicky baby.
You might notice your baby has quite the personality with an emotion for hunger, anger, and so on. Sometimes when your baby cries you have big crocodile tears and occasionally just a fake whimper. If your baby has a crying outburst, you will wonder what’s wrong. Frequent, excessive crying is the most common symptom of colic. Your infant might get a red, flushed face because of the intense crying bout, but in terms of health, nothing is wrong with your little one.
Does your baby seem cranky at the same time of the day lately? After going through the traditional hungry, wet, attention checklist, your bundle of joy is still not happy. You might assume your infant is just tired, but he or she continues to cry for several minutes or even hours without any nap. It is typical for babies with this common ailment to cry at the same time in the late afternoon or evening starting at just a few weeks old for the next several months.
A colicky baby will not only start crying for no reason at all, but he or she will flail around while doing so. For example, it is common to witness your baby go through physical posture changes. For example, he or she may clench the fists, tense the abdominal muscles, draw up the knees to the stomach, or arch the back.
During the few months that a baby experiences colic, the sleeping and feeding patterns may become irregular. Bouts of crying might interrupt what used to be a routine nap or feeding session. However, a healthy baby will still eat and sleep the typical amount, just at a different point in the day or night. If you just got used to a schedule and now it is disrupted, be patient; you can still get back on track in a few weeks.
As your precious pumpkin is weeping, he or she might experience extra gas. Because the abdominal muscles tighten during an intense crying bout, it only makes sense for him or her to pass gas. Besides, your infant is not potty trained yet, so there is no point in holding it in. Often, the remedy for a colicky baby deals with soothing the tummy. Keep in mind that a baby with colic does not have any other health issue.
When you feed your baby, make sure he or she is sitting up or being held in an upright position. That way, the infant will not swallow air when eating. If you use a bottle, ensure that the holes are the proper size because if they are too small, the baby will swallow more air. Burping your baby afterward is also important. Your little one should sit upright against your shoulder; as you support the head and neck, rub his or her back and until you hear air come through. Spitting up some milk is normal. More frequent, but smaller feedings may help a baby with colic, too.
If you are baby is breastfed, make sure the mother avoids consuming any tea, coffee, and alcohol. A breastfeeding mother that eats spicy foods can be passed to the baby and upset his or her fragile stomach. A diet without any hypoallergenic ingredients such as eggs, wheat, dairy, or nuts might improve colic.
This one might seem obvious, but it can be more difficult than you think to hold a crying baby. However, comforting your little one in a quiet, dimmed place can help. Ensure your bundle of joy is fed, clean, and comfortable, so you cuddle. Giving your baby a warm bath and a tummy massage before swaddling your baby boy or girl in a warm, tight blanket can soothe a crying infant. Gently rocking them over your shoulder might also help a colicky baby.
This one is quite the opposite of the previous treatment, but it can be just as effective. Besides, there is not a particular treatment of colic that is proven to work. You have to have some patience and experience with at-home remedies. Background noise such as a vacuum, television, or washing machine might settle your baby down from a crying outburst. If that doesn’t seem to do the trick, try taking your infant for a walk using a baby sling. The motion of a stroller (or car) ride often rocks babys to sleep as well.
If you have tried all of these at-home remedies for colic and you still cannot seem to cope with the crying, you should talk to the pediatrician. Your baby might benefit from the addition of simethicone or lactase drops to breast or bottle milk. Both help release trapped air and aid digestion. You should reach out to a close friend or family member, too. Ask for a loved one to babysit so you can also take a rest, shower, or simply focus on your own wellbeing. Just remember you are not doing anything wrong and your baby will overcome colic as the month’s progress.
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