Endometrial or uterine ablation surgically destroys the uterine lining, the endometrium. Surgeons typically do the procedure to reduce menstrual flow in women experiencing excess blood loss. There are multiple methods of uterine ablation and many contraindications and risks.
To perform a uterine ablation, the doctor inserts a slender tool through the vagina and cervix, into the uterus. The specific device depends on the method, but the procedure does not require a surgical incision. The minimally invasive nature of the procedure means it can be performed in a doctor's office, but most uterine ablations take place in an operating room.
One approach to performing uterine ablation is extreme temperatures. Cryoablation uses a probe to generate temperatures of −100°C to −120°C to
. Most women can return to normal activity one or two days later but must abstain from sex until cleared by the doctor. Any biopsy results are usually available within two weeks.
Uterine ablation is not always immediately effective. It may take a few months to determine the final result, but blood loss during menstruation usually begins to slow. Some women stop getting their periods altogether. One of the most significant complications of the procedure is pregnancy. Uterine ablation does not reduce fertility, but it does prevent a fertilized egg from implanting properly, which can be dangerous.
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