
Adenomyosis is a condition characterized by the movement or encroachment of the endometrial tissue into the muscles of the uterus. The two tissues become permanently stuck, which results in thickening of the walls of the uterus and causes substantial pain and bleeding during the cycle or intercourse.

Nobody knows the exact cause, but adenomyosis directly links to high levels of estrogen. Thankfully, most women see adenomyosis disappear after menopause.

Prolonged menstrual cramps

When it comes to menstrual cramping and discomfort, they are regular occurrences during one’s menstrual cycle. For most women, it last two to three days. However, these might manifest themselves much longer than usual. In some cases, it’s 5+ days and in more extreme ones – even up to two weeks. If you notice something of this sort, don’t take any chances and consult your doctor. A proper treatment would be an anti-inflammatory medication. To solve cramps and pain, you will need assistance.



Stronger menstrual cramps

The difference between prolonged and stronger menstrual cramps is that stronger ones can be mistaken for a usual symptom of your period occurs. It is normal for women to have pains that differ in intensity from period to period. The way to see if this may be a symptom of adenomyosis is to keep track of whether it repeats. If it does, seek medical assistance.

Due to the leading cause being high estrogen levels, hormonal reduction treatments are an excellent way to end this condition once and for all. The most usual methods of combating high estrogen levels are oral medications taken sporadically, due to their high hormonal content. In most cases, they indeed solve the problem in its entirety.



Spotting between periods

Spotting between your periods is one of the most prominent causes of adenomyosis. It affects the cervix inflammation or even cancer. Thankfully, you can exclude two more severe options because adenomyosis manifests itself through a plethora of symptoms. A medical checkup, however, is always welcome.

Anti-inflammatory medication is a treatment in this case, but it requires stronger doses. The reason for such a move is the notion that the adenomyosis is growing larger and therefore causing adjacent blood vessels to break. A two-three week therapy should solve the problem.



Heavy menstrual bleeding

When it comes to symptoms like this, it’s always best to know your body beforehand. The amount of bleeding varies from person to person, depending on their usual amount of blood excreted during the period. Due to high estrogen content in the body, the uterus is affected. It results in a much more considerable amount of blood during the period. A doctor should always be alarmed.

In this case, you should focus on relieving the pain or reducing the amount of estrogen. On the contrary, a priority, in this case, should be hydration. Due to blood loss, your body could be devoid of water. If you’re not hydrated correctly, you might risk fainting or develop other health problems in the process.



Longer menstrual cycles

Due to the lining of the uterus thickening way more than it usually does, the blood discharge is prolonged. This symptom is always tricky because young women often have a period of varying lengths. Usually, it consists of your period gradually increasing in duration. It might not come as a shock on its own, but connected with other symptoms – it is.

In this case, you must look for a suitable medication. It will regulate the way your body excretes estrogen. It’s an intrauterine device, meant to hold on for five years or even more, in some cases.



Blood clots during your period

Blood clots form when anticoagulants do not release in the right quantities. This symptom is direct for more extended or heavier periods, mostly since the blood is too abundant so that it clots during the slow flow. This sign is easy to notice because clots connect directly to adenomyosis, primarily due to the fact they form during heavy blood expulsion.

The best treatment here would be to use an anticoagulant medication. It will prevent any other complications that stem from this symptom. Moreover, this can mean that you can focus on eliminating adenomyosis through regulating the estrogen content itself.



Pain during intercourse

It’s a well-known fact that it’s effortless to establish physical contact between the penis and the uterus or cervix during intercourse. Thus, during adenomyosis, it’s a possibility that you experience sharp pain in the stomach area. Depending on the tempo and intensity, it may be upon contact, or it can be prolonged, with pain episodes. If the adenomyosis becomes annoying for you, there is always the option of endometrial ablation. This procedure destroys the endometrium, which you may know better as the lining of the uterine cavity. It’s a simple, outpatient procedure, with short recovery time.



Stomach pain

In more severe cases, where the uterus is incredibly swollen, you can experience sharp pain in the abdomen. If your adenomyosis reaches this stadium, it may be a sign of more drastic action concerning the condition. The affected tissue can easily be destroyed by MRI-guided focused ultrasound surgery. It takes place by using waves of heat do annihilate the problematic tissue. It’s one of the most successful methods.



Tenderness in the abdominal area

Because the estrogen levels in your body are off the charts, your uterus will become swollen due to the affected tissue. It may become a problem because you might start experiencing abdominal tenderness throughout the region. It may happen during muscle-activity or when upon physical contact.

Another way to completely get rid of adenomyosis is uterine artery embolization. Like every tissue, the endometrium supplied with oxygen and blood through blood vessels. The UAE procedure cuts off the supply by destroying these blood vessels.




Even though it doesn’t seem related, adenomyosis does, in fact, cause insomnia. In some cases, patients might experience a sharp pain or unbearable crams. As a result of this, they may wake up in the middle of the night or not be able to fall asleep at all. Sleep deprivation might affect other areas of the patient’s life if not treated.

For insomnia, you should try administering some natural medication, so that you don’t overdo it with the consumption of chemicals. Green tea or some other natural remedies may do the tricks. Even though CBD is a revolutionary medication, it has shown promise in treating insomnia.


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