

The foods you eat have a huge influence on your ability to enjoy life. One of the main effects of food is the feeling you get from eating a delicious meal. There are many different chemical substances in food, including macronutrients, micronutrients, water and dietary fiber. Macronutrients, for example, protein, are present in large amounts. Micronutrients are present in smaller quantities, for example, vitamins.

Food can also contain flavors, colors, active substances such as steroids, caffeine and salicylates, additives and natural toxins. Different characteristics of food depend on the presence of chemicals in them. The chemical nature of food can be changed by preservation, storage and, of course, cooking. Moreover, food chemicals can interact with each other. For example, the way in which our bodies absorb carbohydrates depends on dietary fiber, even though our bodies don't absorb the fiber itself.

Which foods you eat have long-term effects on your health. Healthy foods help prevent some chronic diseases and decrease recovery periods from the disease.


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