
Not a lot of us are careful about the intake of micronutrients and the composition of our diet. Let alone micronutrients; some people are not much bothered about the macros they eat either! However, such negligence can cost you your health. In fact, you would be surprised to know that several common bodily anomalies are caused by a lack of micronutrients such as iron in the body. For most people, it takes some tests for some diseases when they fall sick to detect such deficiencies. However, if you are observant and concerned about your health, the following signs of iron deficiency should have you running around for damage control ASAP!

Hair Loss

One of the chief causes of hair loss, especially in women, is iron deficiency. Over the years, plenty of researchers have found a link between low iron levels and hair loss. Amongst the various nutrients required for healthy hair growth and desirable scalp conditions, iron happens to be an important additive. Therefore, if one is suffering from hair fall, increasing intake of iron may be a good idea. If that makes absolutely no difference even after four weeks of consumption, look into other possible causes and remedies.


Could You Be Iron Deficient? 10 Signs to Watch For

Low Concentration Levels

The body needs various micronutrients in specific proportions to function optimally. As the levels of iron in the blood get lower, one's concentration levels and attentiveness drop immediately. Those with iron deficiency may find their attention span to be getting progressively shorter. Productivity levels naturally get affected, and work suffers. However, if one begins taking supplements and iron levels are restored, this condition is easily rectified.


Could You Be Iron Deficient? 10 Signs to Watch For

Breathing Problems

The respiratory process is complex and relies on the healthy functioning of various bodily systems. When iron levels in the body are low, the lungs functionality also gets compromised leading to problems such as extreme breathlessness on exertion, efforted breathing and so on. If you develop such problems, check your iron intake first before getting tested for other conditions. If they aren't low, consult a doctor to ascertain the cause.

Could You Be Iron Deficient? 10 Signs to Watch For

Poor Nail Quality

It may come as a surprise, but the quality of one's nails says a lot about their general levels of health. Low levels of iron can lead to nails being weak and brittle and growing abnormally, too. Thus, if you find that your nails chip easily or have indentations, marks or ripples, you may want to increase your iron intake as soon as possible. You could consume iron-rich foods in high quantities or initially increase intake using store-bought supplements.


Could You Be Iron Deficient? 10 Signs to Watch For

Muscle Soreness

Sudden and inexplicable muscle soreness is often attributed to iron deficiency. Our body needs various kinds of fuel to be able to maintain high levels of health and functioning. Muscles too need much fodder to support all of the body's movements. Iron is an important nutrient therein, and thus, when there is a deficiency of this micronutrient in the body, your muscles tend to get sore with ordinary levels of activity.


Could You Be Iron Deficient? 10 Signs to Watch For


Iron is an important constituent required for the production of Red Blood Cells in the body. If you have an iron deficiency, your hemoglobin levels will be low, the most visible marker of which is paleness of the skin. If you find your face to have lost its pinkish sheen and become grey or yellowed, getting your blood tested for low hemoglobin is recommended. You may even have anemia, which is a more severe form of iron deficiency. If that be so, it would be best to involve your physician for remedial action at the earliest - anemia can have serious health consequences.

Could You Be Iron Deficient? 10 Signs to Watch For

Easy Bruising

Those who bruise easily and without seeming cause are very likely to be suffering from iron deficiency. The amount of iron in the blood affects the production and functioning of platelets. Frequent bruising implies that the internal clotting mechanism, governed by the platelets, is not working optimally. This means the individual needs to increase their iron intake speedily, either by making dietary changes or taking over-the-counter supplements. Getting your blood work done before medication is recommended so you can track your progress. If you continue bruising despite sufficient iron levels, report to your physician immediately.


Could You Be Iron Deficient? 10 Signs to Watch For

Intense Menstrual Bleeding

Women who suffer from iron deficiency will be liable to more menstrual woes than the ordinary woman. Longer and heavier bleeding, excessive cramping, more intense mood swings, etc. are typical signs. The reason is that iron deficiency negatively impacts platelet count. When the body's ability to stem blood flow is compromised, one is likely to bleed excessively during menstruation too. Any woman experiencing excessively bleeding should get her iron levels checked, even if that has been her status quo for very long.

Could You Be Iron Deficient? 10 Signs to Watch For


Feeling tired all the time is not something to be taken lightly. More often than not, persistent fatigue is a sign of ill-health caused by a condition that requires attention. If one finds themselves to be tired constantly, despite getting adequate sleep and nutrition, iron deficiency may be the culprit. Though several other conditions have fatigue as a by-product, in the absence of other specific, perceptible symptoms, it would be best to start the medical investigation by examining iron levels in the body. Fortunately, fatigue caused by low iron can be remedied by increasing iron intake. Using supplements is recommended for a quicker result - you can make dietary changes alongside supplementation.


Could You Be Iron Deficient? 10 Signs to Watch For

Low-Interest Levels

If one finds themselves disinterested in pretty much everything, it may be a sign of iron deficiency. Absurd as it sounds, when the levels of iron in the system are low, cognitive and behavioral reactions change. The energy and general willingness to do anything are replaced by disinterest and lethargy. If one finds that they have developed a sudden proclivity to this extent, getting their blood work done and upping iron intake may be a good idea. Over time, this shall allow one's normal behavioral patterns to be restored.


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