Bella Alvarez
Latest from Bella Alvarez
10 Exercises That Strengthen Your Quads
Everyone has different goals when they begin weightlifting. Some are looking to lose fat, some to gain muscle, and some to...
9 Addictions You Might Not Know You Have
We all have habits we develop without thinking, from checking social media to taking work projects home. These practices are...
Music Impacts Health in More Ways Than You Think
Music can be fun, inspiring, and uplifting, and there are concrete health benefits to both listening and playing.
Understanding Esophageal Cancer
Esophageal cancer or cancer of the esophagus is among the most common cancers in the world and often has a poor survival...
General Interest
What Does It Mean To Be Asymptomatic?
Scientists are looking more closely at what causes diseases to spread and the role of asymptomatic carriers.
Going Organic: Craze or Credible?
Eating organic is popular these days, but is it really better for you? Research into organic food is quite extensive.
The Most Common Parasites that Can Affect Humans
Parasites are relatively common in the U.S. and cause only minor symptoms in most people.
When Is Musculoskeletal Pain a Sign of Something More?
Musculoskeletal pain afflicts millions of people. It may be caused by injury or a musculoskeletal disorder or MSD.
What to Know If You're Considering B12 Shots
B12 shots deliver this vitamin to people who are deficient in the nutrient. They are generally regarded as safe.
High White Blood Cell Counts and Leukocytosis
The human body requires the right balance of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma to survive. One way in...
General Interest
What Are Carcinogens, Really?
Research has uncovered cancer-causing carcinogens, understanding of which scientists hope can reduce cancer exposure.
Papilledema: Visual Symptoms of Something More
Though many people experience nausea and pressure headaches, in rare cases, an ophthalmologic condition -- papilledema -- is...
Mental Health
The Risk of Serotonin Syndrome
Numerous chemicals and hormones impact how we think and function every day. These include dopamine, melatonin, and...
Height and Weight Charts For Babies and Children
As parents watch their children grow, monitoring their development is both a source of pride and anxiety. Many consult...
General Interest
Everything You Need to Know About Hand Sanitizers
Is using hand sanitizer as effective as washing your hands, and can you make your own?
General Interest
The Dangers of Acrylamide
Thanks to advances in science and modern medicine, we know about the dangerous components of some edible items. High-fructose...
Signs You're Eating Too Much Sugar
Sugar is one of modern society’s greatest weaknesses. While natural sugar is in many healthy foods, the obsession with added...
The Various Ways Negativity Touches Our Lives
Negativity is, to some extent, a part of life. Thanks to stress and anxiety, we find ourselves worrying over the worst-case...
General Interest
The Science Behind Why We Hate Mondays
Monday is the most odious day of the week for most employees of the traditional workforce. Being rattled awake by an alarm at 6...
From IBS to Assassins: the Practice of Hypnosis
If you've ever been to a state fair or magic show, you might have seen a hypnotist in action. The theatrical performer invites...