Stomach Ulcers are painful sores that cover the lining of the stomach or small intestine. This condition takes place when the layer of mucus that protects your stomach becomes weakened or hindered, enabling the appearance of Ulcers. Luckily, treatment is easy, but if left untreated, Ulcers may develop into a more severe condition. Ulcers can be caused by different factors, such as a high level of acid in the stomach, and excessive use of anti-inflammatory drugs and certain dietary factors. There are many symptoms associated with Ulcers, the most common of which is a burning sensation in the stomach, which can last anywhere from a few minutes to over an hour. It is usually worse when the stomach is empty. Other symptoms include: acid reflux, a dull pain in the stomach, and in some cases, weight loss. Stomach Ulcers may be treated with prescription medication from your doctor, even though in some cases surgery will be necessary.
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