

Sepsis occurs when your body’s response to an infection goes into overdrive. The chemicals in your immune system that are released into the bloodstream to fight off infection, end up causing an inflammation in the whole body, which is then life threatening as it can lead to septic shock.


Sepsis can be triggered by any infection but things conditions such as a kidney infection, pneumonia, abdominal or a bloodstream infection are more likely to cause sepsis. Sepsis begins with a fever over 110 degrees, heart rate over 90 beats per minute, an infection in the body, and a high breathing rate. After organ failure, the body moves into the second stage, called Severe Sepsis. After that, Septic shock sets in.


Naturally, you will need to see a doctor if you have Sepsis, after a round of testing to determine the severity of the infection, they will properly diagnose the treatment. This may be anything from antibiotics or an IV, insulin or painkillers.


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