Sepsis is the body's response to a life-threatening infection. It can lead to organ-related complications as well as tissue damage, and, in the worst-case scenario, death. More than 257,000 Americans are killed by sepsis each year. If you have sepsis, you need to get treatment in its early stages. To be diagnosed with sepsis, a person must exhibit specific symptoms including a body temperature of above 101F or a high heart rate.
Sepsis can be caused by any infection anywhere in the body. That's why pneumonia is one of the most common causes of sepsis. Pneumonia itself can be community-acquired, and it can also be due to a healthcare-associated infection. Over 1,7 million hospitalizations in the United States are caused by healthcare-associated infections each year. It is essential to treat pneumonia as soon as possible to ensure adequate treatment. What makes pneumonia especially deadly is the fact that its symptoms can often overwhelm the body, especially in older individuals or those with a weaker immune system.
Autoimmune diseases are one of the most common causes of sepsis. An autoimmune disease is a condition in which the body's immune system attacks the healthy cells of the body. When the immune system is defective, it incorrectly identifies healthy components as foreign elements and attempts to remove them by natural means. With these potentially dangerous diseases, your body is unable to distinguish between healthy cells and tissues from unhealthy and infected cells, causing a wide array of symptoms.
The kidneys are of one of the most critical organs in the body. They filter urine and make sure it stays free of infection and other impurities. After being processed by the kidneys, urine passes into the bladder through the ureter. One of the dangers of kidney stones is developing a kidney infection, which can lead to sepsis. To reduce your chance of developing kidney stones, drink plenty of water, and consume a balanced diet.
The term "blood poisoning" is often used to describe sepsis as well as refer to any other infection of the blood, whether it be of the bacteremia or septicemia type. The former means that there are bacteria in the blood, whereas the latter implies any kind of infection in the blood, even those caused by viruses. While blood poisoning is not a correct term for sepsis, a deadly infection in the blood can cause sepsis.
Diabetes is an autoimmune disease that causes long-term consequences to health and wellbeing. People with diabetes cannot correctly regulate their blood sugar levels and must periodically monitor them to make sure that they are within a healthy range. Having too little glucose means that your body may starve, and having too much can cause an array of complications. If you have diabetes, you are prone to getting cuts and wounds that don't heal well. They may develop infections, which may develop into sepsis as a reaction.
The appendix is a tiny organ located in the large intestine. Some people have their appendix removed, but it is normally left intact as long as it doesn't cause problems. However, if the appendix becomes inflamed, it may burst and cause an infection in the body to develop. If left untreated, the body may experience sepsis as a result.
The flu, or influenza, is one of the most common viral infections, and it's extremely contagious. In extreme cases, individuals with the flu may end up developing sepsis as a result of the infection. If you are experiencing the flu, get as much rest as possible to recover adequately. If you notice your symptoms getting worse, consult your doctor to prevent the infection from becoming too severe.
According to statistics released by the World Health Organization, malaria is one of the deadliest diseases in the world. In 2008 alone, there more than 247 million cases, most of which were in Africa and certain tropical regions. Individuals who develop malaria are at risk of getting sepsis. If left untreated, malaria can cause the body to develop a life-threatening reaction. If you are traveling to a region that has a high risk of malaria, remember to take all necessary precautions, including the use of mosquito nets and spray. You should also consult your doctor before traveling to such areas.
People who develop urinary tract infections have a considerable risk of developing sepsis if they don't seek treatment. This condition affects more women than men. Luckily, in most cases, the infection can be treated with antibiotics. However, if the condition spreads to the kidneys, the body may develop sepsis as a reaction to the infection. Medically, this is known as urosepsis, because it refers to the specific infection caused by a UTI. If you suspect that you might have a urinary tract infection, get treatment as soon as possible to reduce your risk of developing sepsis.
Meningitis is a serious condition that occurs when the meninges become inflamed. The meninges are the layer of tissue surrounding the brain as well as the spinal cord. Bacterial, viral, and fungal meningitis are the most common types of meningitis, even though there are other causes. If meningitis is severe enough, it can cause the body to develop a severe case of sepsis. That's why it's important to treat the symptoms as soon as possible to achieve a quick and efficient recovery.
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