There are two types of the herpes virus. Type 1 is commonly found around the mouth and other areas of the skin. These weeping blister like clusters are also known as cold sores. Type 2 is genital herpes, where the cervix and genitals are affected as well as other susceptible areas of skin around the body. <br> This virus is transferred by having unprotected sex or genital contact with an infected person, sharing sex toys, and having oral sex with someone who gets cold sores around the mouth. <br> Often, people carry the herpes virus around with them their entire lives but not everyone will have symptoms. For type 2 they are, blisters around the external genital area, plus cold sores around the mouth, pain when urinating, a fever and generally feeling unwell. For type 1, the surface of the infected person will become tingly and sensitive, before the blister appears and may last between 10-20 days. <br> You can get a blood test to determine if the herpes virus has infected you, but it is much easier to diagnose it when the infection is still actively present in the body. You cannot rid the virus from your body but you can take antiviral medication and do plenty of things to relieve the symptoms, such as taking painkillers, bathing in salted water, applying Vaseline or lotion to the infected area and not engaging in sexual activity until the symptoms have gone.
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