Fever blisters are painful sores that develop on the face, fingers and private areas of the body. A virus called herpes simplex causes the blisters to appear. They can spread easily through contact with somebody who carries the infection. In addition, fever blisters appear after a visit to the dentist or as a side effect of cosmetic surgery. Besides pain, people infected can suffer from itchiness, headaches, and swollen lips. Nonetheless, some people have concerns over possible side effects of traditional medicines. This worry compounds a growing interest in non-traditional cures. Therefore, many people seek effective home remedies for fever blisters.


Table Salt

Many people know the old English expression about rubbing salt into an open wound. This is often applied when someone does something that adds to another person's pain. Anyone who has had a finger cut come in contact with salt knows how it stings. However, in the case of fever blisters, salt happens to have valuable healing properties. Try wetting the finger with the blister and put it into a small bowl of ordinary salt. Even though it may sting a little, your pain is worth the outcome. You will rid yourself of the troublesome blister.

home remedies for fever blisters

Tea Bags

Everyone is familiar with how the English enjoy drinking tea. Besides the pleasant taste, some studies suggest that a moderate amount of tea also has its health benefits. However, when it comes to curing fever blisters, the tea bag itself rather than the cup of tea appears to help. After making a cup of tea, remove the tea bag and let it cool down a little. While it is still warm, place it on the blister and leave it in position for half an hour. Follow these steps a few times each day to speed up the healing process.

remedies for fever blisters

Lemon Tea

Some people prefer lemon tea to the standard tea version. If they happen to suffer from fever blisters, a lemon tea treatment could be just the answer they need. Just as with black tea cure, drinking this tea is not the remedy. However, it certainly cannot do any harm. You need to apply the tea externally to the blister. Dip a ball of cotton into some lemon balm tea and place it over the blister. Its anti-viral properties soon start to have the desired effect.

fever blisters

Witch Hazel

Despite its name, witch hazel has nothing to do with witchcraft. However, it one of the better known and most effective natural remedies for damaged skin. In contrast with many prescription medicines, users do not need to worry about any unpleasant side effects. To cure fever blisters, spill some witch hazel onto a cotton swab. Then rub this gently over the blisters. Repeat these steps over a few days until the remedy takes effect.



There are many benefits of natural remedies. The items used in natural cures are easily available and have many other uses. The onion is a classic case in point. It is one of the most popular ingredients in all kinds of dishes. However, it also has effective virus-fighting properties and reduces inflammation. Although eating onions helps reliever fever blister, experts recommend rubbing a slice of onion over the blister gently. Remember to dispose of the onion immediately afterward. You would not want it to accidentally end up in the salad!

home remedies


Home remedies often come from some of the most unexpected sources. It is hard to imagine anything more unexpected than the healing powers of a tube of toothpaste. Dentists highly recommend regular teeth brushing with toothpaste. However, someone with a fever blister on the lip has an additional reason to squeeze out this tube. The sodium lauryl sulfate found in toothpaste acts as a healing factor against blisters.

home treatment for fever blisters

Garlic Clove

Although people still know garlic for its culinary power, its healing properties also deserve more attention. Over the last few years, researchers have proven that garlic has valuable anti-bacterial substances. Natural remedy experts suggest a paste made from two or three cloves of garlic is one of the best treatments for fever blisters. Apply the paste and let it sit for about a quarter of an hour. For best results, repeat this about twice each day.

natural remedies for fever blisters

Hydrogen Peroxide

While people use hydrogen peroxide for hairdressing, practitioners of natural healing methods value its antibiotic qualities. To help remove a fever blister, place some hydrogen peroxide on a cotton swab and put it onto the blister. Leave the swab in position for as long as it takes. Allow the liquid to absorb fully.

natural treatments for fever blisters

Tea Tree Oil

You are not likely to find this home remedy in the average household's kitchen cupboard. However, natural product stores usually keep it in stock. The oil's antibacterial properties make it a common treatment for a range of skin issues. Fever blisters are no exception. You should dilute the tea tree oil well with water before applying it to your skin. Ideally, apply the tea tree oil as soon as possible after a blister appears. This prevents any further development.

treating fever blisters at home

Baking Soda

Baking soda is another popular example of a natural remedy. It brings an innovative new use to an item found in some many kitchen cupboards. The fever blister sufferer needs to mix the baking soda with a little water until it forms a paste. It is highly effective in reducing the pain these blisters cause. Additionally, it helps cure the affected skin. The fact that baking soda is such a familiar and innocuous product is great for curing. The familiarity tends to make people more comfortable. They do not feel this same comfort with prescription drugs, which sometimes have possible unwanted side effects.

fever blisters
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