

Have you been coughing for a while and it won't go away? Could it be asthma or chronic bronchitis? A cough is one of the main symptoms for which patients seek help from a chest specialist. Most of the time, it occurs because of the respiratory virus infection and clears up in a few weeks. A lasting cough may be chronic. A chronic cough can be even isolating for patients.


Before you start your treatment, you should undergo specific tests that diagnose your condition. These tests vary depending on your situation, but commonly include breath tests, lung function tests, blood tests, bronchoscopy, and CT scans.



Post-diagnosis, your doctor will prescribe a treatment plan that can include medication, physiotherapy, and lifestyle changes. Depending on how you respond to these treatments, the doctor might send you to a specialist.


If you have had a cough for over two weeks and it is getting worse, you should see a general practitioner.

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