Having a cough is an uncomfortable experience that everyone faces at one point or another. Dry and persistent coughs can be especially troublesome, making it difficult to breathe and swallow. To make matters worse, a cough can make it difficult to be near others and cause you to want to avoid social interactions. Coughs can be caused by many things, including infections and allergies. Equally numerous are the sheer number of remedies, many of which are natural and easy to find. In this article, we'll review some of the best home remedies for a cough.
Licorice root tea has been widely used over the generations for the treatment of a cough, as well as other similar ailments. This potent remedy works like a charm because it is an expectorant as well as a demulcent, meaning that it calms airways and makes mucous thin and runny. It aids in reducing congestion and keeps inflammation to a minimum. Licorice root tea has a soft, sweet taste, making it a delicious alternative to harsh cough medicines. However, if you have kidney problems, you should stay clear of licorice root tea. Licorice root tea can be easily found at most supermarkets and health food stores.
Just like licorice root tea, thyme has been readily available for centuries, which has made it one of the most revered natural remedies for a cough. Going all the way back to the Black Plague, thyme has been consistently used for many medical purposes. What makes thyme so popular is its antibacterial properties, which kill off invading bacteria and viruses. Thyme also acts in other ways: it helps muscles relax, opening up the airways of the throat and making it easier to breathe. To use thyme, try making a natural tea. You can also use thyme essential oil, but remember to consult your doctor first.
One of the first remedies that comes to mind when a cough begins is to use salt water to ease symptoms. This popular treatment is known to reduce pain and discomfort in the throat. Salt is a powerful antibacterial agent, and it helps to calm inflamed tissue. One of the biggest benefits of salt is that it is cheap and abundant, and it can be found in nearly every kitchen. To use salt effectively, you should gargle a few tablespoons of warm salt water. Repeat the action for 30 seconds and spit the water out. Remember not to drink any of the water.
This heat-infused remedy is sure to help ease your cough. Cayenne pepper is a popular remedy for a cough because of its stimulating effects. It soothes the muscles of the throat and reduces pain. The warming effect is also regarded positively because it can reduce inflammation and discomfort. To use cayenne pepper for the treatment of a cough, it is recommended to make cough syrup by mixing a one-fourth teaspoon cayenne pepper with a tablespoon of honey and a sufficient amount of water to form a loose mixture. Drink the mixture up to three times per day.
Besides its powerful antioxidant properties, carrot juice is popularly known as a potent natural remedy for a cough. Tasty and packed with vitamins and minerals, carrots are a great alternative to over-the-counter medication. They are versatile and easy to incorporate into your diet, making them a convenient treatment. The best way to use carrots for a cough is by drinking fresh carrot juice. To use carrot juice to treat a cough, juice three large carrots and add some water to dilute the juice. A few drops of honey may be added. Drink three glasses of the juice per day or until symptoms improve.
Another root vegetable, ginger is widely used across the world to treat a plethora of medical conditions, including coughing. Ginger is one of the healthiest vegetables due to its high concentration of minerals and nutrients. Ginger can be dried and used as a tea, or it can be eaten fresh and used in salads, dressings, or soups. The best way to use ginger as a cough treatment is to boil it. The tea can be mixed with honey and water to make it easier to consume.
It shouldn't come as a surprise that lemons are often regarded as one of the most potent natural remedies for a cough. After all, lemons are rich in vitamins, including the disease-fighting and immune-boosting vitamin C. Besides their antibacterial properties, lemons can reduce inflammation and discomfort. Lemons can be used in multiple ways, but creating a lemon syrup or tea is the best treatment for a cough. To make lemon cough syrup, mix the juice of half a lemon with one to two tablespoons of honey, and add a few drops of water to dilute the mixture. Consume the syrup whenever symptoms are present.
Honey is an age-tested natural remedy for many conditions. It has many remarkable qualities that make it one of the most versatile and easy-to-use treatments. Because honey never spoils, it's easy to store. In fact, it is common to find food-grade honey in many ancient tombs. On a scientific level, honey has been proven to be an efficient remedy in calming down a sore throat. Moreover, it is a rich demulcent, meaning it soothes irritated skin. If your cough is due to a bacterial infection, honey can help to fight off the bacteria and get rid of toxins.
The smell might not be pleasant, but onions are highly effective in treating a cough. Cutting onions release strong vapors that have a soothing effect on the lungs. This can reduce the intensity of a cough as well as any inflammation or discomfort. To use onion for a cough, making a syrup from baked onions is recommended. Baking the onions helps to get rid of the aggressive taste. Mix one baked onion with three tablespoons of honey and add a few drops of water. Drink the mixture up to three times a day, or until symptoms improve. You can also drink fresh onion juice, which may be mixed with honey for added benefits.
Honey has been mentioned throughout this article as a great addition to natural cough syrups. This syrup has multiple benefits, and its sweet taste makes a great base for any natural remedy. Moreover, its antibacterial and antiseptic properties make it one of the strongest remedies for bacterial infections. One of the best ways to use honey is by mixing it with hot milk, which can calm the throat and help control inflammation. This helps to relieve a dry cough while reducing chest pain at the same time. For optimal results, drink this sweet mixture an hour before bed. You can also swallow a tablespoon of pure honey beforehand to clear the throat.
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