
Nagging cough is very frustrating, especially when it persists for more than a few days. When your cough lasts for a couple of days, the common assumption is that it’s the flu or some mild infection. If it lasts for 1 - 2 weeks, more serious allergies and infections come to mind. But if you’ve had no relief from coughing in more than a month, there may be a cause for concern. It is thus recommended that anyone who does not get relief from coughing in more than a few weeks should undertake a medical investigation for the same. Mentioned below are the possible reasons behind that stubborn cough.

Sensitive Throat After Common Cold Or Flu

Both nostrils are finally clean, and you can breathe deeply. You no longer have a fever. Colds left your body, and you feel you have regained the lost strength... But wait, a cough is still there! Why do we sometimes suffer from this painful symptom of the respiratory disease even after getting rid of it? Coughing, unfortunately, can remain present for weeks or even months because of swelling and sensitivity of your throat exposed to the virus for the duration of the disease.



Lung Disease

Inflammation of airways in the lungs causes chronic lung disease that is often accompanied by coughing. In order to clear the lung airways of mucus or fluid, coughing occurs. By coughing, the body tries to expel air from the lungs and deal with lung diseases. So, if you notice incessant coughing it could be because of lung disease, like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).




Stress, particularly when chronic, can be blamed for many diseases, but one thing is sure - if you do not settle down and get enough sleep, the cough will (and flu) last much longer than it should. Coughing is a defense mechanism that the body initiates trying to establish normal functions, as they were before the problem occurred. Try to reduce your stress by sleeping for at least 7 to 8 hours a day.



Decreased Fluid Intake

This term is self-explanatory - your body needs plenty of fluids in order to combat the disease and to help disintegrate the plaque that interferes with the normal operation of the throat and causes coughing. It is worth noting – caffeine-based drinks and alcohol dehydrate the body - avoid them while coughing or suffering from a cold!

Tea is preferably consumed in winter even when you are healthy, in order to keep you warm. The warm liquid soothes a dry cough and encourages expectoration of accumulated mucus in the airways. One of the teas that are consumed for dry and productive cough tea is plantain, which prevents the development of infections; coughing, spreading the bronchi, reduces coughing.



Excessive Use Of Drugs

By excessive use of medicines over the recommended daily dose (believing that you will recover faster), you can cause the opposite effect and fall back to bed. More importantly, the drugs only alleviate symptoms, but your body is the one doing the fighting against the disease.



Excessive Damp Or Dry Air

It is important to take notice in what kind of space you are spending your time. If the air is too dry or full of cigarette smoke, it will cause throat irritation, and coughing will continue longer than it should. However, you should know that too moist air is equally dangerous! It is suitable for the development of allergen that will equally negatively affect your respiratory system.

Dry air in rooms with central heating dries out the nasal mucosa, which facilitates the bacteria, viruses and allergens to penetrate the respiratory system and cause problems. Optimal temperature is an individual feeling, but it should be between 19 - 24 C. The sudden transition from warm to cold premises and vice versa, leads to a violent reaction of the small blood capillaries on the facial skin, and mucous membranes of the nose, throat and pharynx.



Bacterial Infections

A cough caused by bacterial infection is dry and most intensive in the morning. Doctors usually treat it with antibiotics, so it is not dangerous, if discovered early. Sometimes, before the flu departs, it leaves us an unwanted "gift". Due to a weakened immune system and respiratory tract irritation, you can get a bacterial sinus infection, pneumonia or similar unwelcome blow to the body. If your cough is accompanied by a fever or physical pain - it's time to see a doctor!



Blood Pressure Medication

Once again, the drugs appear on this list - this time for blood pressure. Smoking and high blood pressure commonly go together; this is why smokers are in a very high-risk group for various respiratory diseases. Chest X-ray and scanner can determine the cause of coughing. The only case when a cough is not dangerous is in patients who have confirmed that their cough occurs as a reaction to the blood pressure medication.

Specifically, people who use such drugs (with ACE inhibitors) have a higher incidence of long-term or chronic coughing. Talk to your doctor - there must be a remedy that suits your needs.




Acid reflux, also called as GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease) is a common digestive disorder that occurs when the gastric juices, refluxes from the stomach into the esophagus. This acid reflux irritates the esophagus and causes a variety of symptoms, including heartburn and coughing. Coughing can be worse while sleeping or in a lying position as the acid is not able to move downwards. So, GERD sufferers should sleep with their heads propped on the pillow so that the acid can travel down.



Background Of Health Problems

Allergies, asthma, heartburn, sleep apnea – any of these conditions can further encourage you to cough even after recovery. Often people find out after one of such colds or flu that they suffer from one of those problems. Also, one of the more common stimuli that cause coughing or choking is exposure to exercise. Symptoms occur more often in cold and dry air. You must know that active and a healthy lifestyle is recommended and necessary.


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