

Most people consider their pet to be a part of the family. Pets bring us joy and endless hours of entertainment. If you're anything like us, a house is not a home unless it's got a furry little friend in it.


Every kid remembers their first pet because they had to work for it. It's a rite of passage you get after convincing your parents you're responsible enough. If you wanted a fish, you promised to clean its tank. Likewise, if you wanted a dog, you promised to walk it every day. Whether it was your angel eyes or your clever promises, your parents agreed. Congratulations, you've got your first pet!


These days there are many different kinds of pets you can get, even from your local pet shop or shelter. Some stores even carry snakes and tarantulas. You've got to have a pretty understanding parent to buy you one of those. Or, perhaps, a gullible one.

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