
Getting Pregnant

Pregnancy is an exciting time. It's a unique experience that varies woman to woman. Some women have a positive experience with pregnancy, while others don't. We break pregnancies down into three trimesters.

The first trimester shows how your body is adjusting to its new state. During this trimester, women can experience mood swings, weight gain, cramps, and cravings. Some women even begin to feel morning sickness at this point.


The second trimester tends to be easier than the first. Nausea and fatigue might vanish as well. During this trimester, women can experience body aches, itchy/patchy skin, and swelling.


The third trimester is like a runner's last lap. The baby does its last bit of growing in this stage. In this trimester women may experience labored breathing, heartburn, and contractions. Once contractions begin happening frequently, the pregnancy's end is in sight!


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