

The skeletal system consists of more than just bones. It also consists of cartilage, ligaments and bone tissue. Together these parts protect organs, make blood, support the body, and facilitates mobility. These parts also store and release fats and minerals.


If you have a problem specific to your bones, an Orthopedist can help treat them. You can think of orthopedists as bone doctors. Some of the conditions you can see them for are scoliosis, scapula, and kyphosis. Many of these conditions result in poor posture and abnormal growth. Humans, unlike most other mammals, have an erect posture. Because of our unique posture, we can use our arms and hands to hold and use tools. However, standing straight all the time presents problems, for example, carrying weight. Our skeletons have had to adapt to carry our weight when standing. Because we rely on our skeletons for this, conditions that affect our posture puts extra pressure on them. Bone conditions like these become more complicated as you age.

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