

Pneumonia is an inflammation and infection in the lungs. Caused by a bacterial infection, a parasite, fungus or a virus. The infected lungs start to leak and shed dead cells, all of this ‘junk’ coming off the lungs clogs the air sacs, therefore the lungs can’t get enough oxygen to the blood.

Much like a bad flu, but worse, if you have Pneumonia you may experience a high fever and big cough, usually connected with producing mucus, a fever and chills, headaches, chest pain and fast and shallow breathing, or being short of breath. This along with a loss of appetite and a clammy feel to the skin or excessive sweating, pneumonia is not a comfortable sickness, which may have ramifications that last weeks or sometimes months.

Those most susceptible to pneumonia are smokers and alcoholics, those with a weak immune system, the elderly and those already sick from other viral diseases like the flu.

Pneumonia is very common, and cases range from mild or very serious where you may need to be hospitalized.


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