
Pneumonia is a common infection which causes inflammation in the air sacs of one or both of the lungs. Then the air sacs may get filled with pus or fluid which may cause a cough, chills, breathing difficulties, and fever. Usually, the cough comes with pus or phlegm. There are different types of organisms which may cause pneumonia. These include bacteria, viruses, and even fungi.

People of all ages may get pneumonia, but it's mainly severe for babies and little children. It's a worrisome condition for people who are 65 years old and above, people who have weak immune systems or those who suffer from other health problems. The treatments for pneumonia may also vary depending on the type, the severity, and the factors as mentioned above. Here are some conventional therapies for this illness.

Oral antibiotics

There are many oral antibiotics which you can take to treat pneumonia, particularly the bacterial kind. First, though, you need to consult with your doctor so he can identify the specific bacteria causing your sickness. In doing this, your doctor will be able to choose the most appropriate antibiotic for treatment. More often than not, these medications will be able to cure your bacterial pneumonia. However, you need to make sure that you take the medicines correctly as your doctor instructed. To get rid of the illness, you have to take the complete course of oral antibiotics. If you've made all the medications, your symptoms are still present, then consult your doctor.

Oral antibiotics

Intravenous antibiotics

We've already established that you can treat bacterial pneumonia using oral antibiotics. These medications will make you feel better within a few days. However, those who are very young or very old, or those who have a high fever or are experiencing breathing difficulties may need to go to the hospital for medication. In such cases, the doctor may administer intravenous antibiotics to treat pneumonia. Before that, the doctor may require blood or sputum tests. Again, these tests are necessary to identify the specific bacteria causing your illness.

Intravenous antibiotics

A cough, Fever, and Pain Medications

Aside from antibiotics, there are other medications you can take for the treatment of pneumonia. One of which is cough medicine. You may choose this type of drug to calm a cough that usually comes with the illness. This is especially important if a cough stops you from getting enough rest. However, coughing is the body's way of loosening and moving fluid from the lungs. So it's probably best not to get rid of the symptom entirely. Therefore, you can also try a low dose of cough suppressants to help you rest. There are also fever and pain medications available out there which you can take. Ask your doctor about these to relieve your fever and alleviate your discomfort.

A cough, Fever, and Pain Medications

Anti-viral Medication

If you're suffering from viral pneumonia, then you can treat this condition at home. Usually, you won't have to get admitted to the hospital for treatment. You can manage viral pneumonia caused by the flu using an antiviral medicine. Again, ask your doctor which medication to use. Aside from taking the medication, you may also have to treat the symptoms of viral pneumonia. This means you should eat well, drink a lot of fluids, rest, and take other necessary medications. You may also have to deal with breathing difficulties as needed. Viral pneumonia takes about 1-3 weeks to clear entirely.

Anti-viral Medication

Anti-fungal Drugs

Sometimes the course of your treatment may be slow. Then your doctor may require a chest x-ray. If there's anything unusual in the result of your x-ray, then you may suffer from fungal pneumonia. The doctor can confirm this through a blood test. The result may show that your body contains antibodies to fight the fungal infection. There are many different types of fungi which can cause fungal pneumonia. This condition is more common in those who have weak immune systems. There are several kinds of antifungal drugs which you can use for the treatment of this condition. Furthermore, you can administer them either intravenously or orally.

Anti-fungal Drugs

Medication without Hospitalization

The bacteria mycoplasma pneumonia causes another illness called mycoplasmal pneumonia. This bacteria was previously thought to be a fungus or a virus. Also known as atypical pneumonia, this is a mild type which usually affects young adults and children. Just like the other types, you can treat these using antibiotics. Also, you may not require hospitalization for treatment.

How serious is the condition?


When left unchecked, pneumonia may become severe. In such cases, you have to go to the hospital for treatment. The doctor may administer antibiotics and fluids intravenously, give you oxygen therapy, or even treatments for breathing difficulties. You may require hospitalization if you suffer from severe symptoms or you also suffer from another critical medical condition.


Home Remedies

Aside from going to the hospital and taking medications, you can also do some home remedies to help with the treatment. If not, these home remedies can at least help alleviate the symptoms, so your condition doesn't worsen. When you have pneumonia, you should get plenty of rest. If you smoke, you should quit first. Also, it's important to eat healthy foods, drink a lot of fluids, and avoid drinking alcohol.

Home Remedies

Medicines to prevent complications

Home remedies such as resting and drinking a lot of fluids will help with your treatment. But you may also take come medicines to prevent further complications for your pneumonia. Sometimes, the doctor may give you antibiotics which can help your condition and prevent it from getting worse. However, if you aren't getting any better no matter how many medications you take, then it's best to go to the hospital. You should also do this if you know that you have a weakened immune system or you're suffering from a severe illness.

Medicines to prevent complications

Treating complications of Pneumonia

There are various complications which may arise because of this illness. One common difficulty may happen when the contents of the stomach get into the lungs through inhalation. Complications caused by pneumonia may need different types of treatment too.

Treating complications of Pneumonia

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