

Multiple Sclerosis is a disruptive disease of the nervous system that affects the way your brain sends information to other parts of your body as well as the information that the brain receives from other parts of the body. It is not known what causes Multiple Sclerosis but scientists have determined that usually a mix of immunological factors and environmental factors cause the disease to develop. Other variables such as genetics and previous infections may also play a part. <br>It is difficult to determine the symptoms caused by Multiple Sclerosis because they differ from person to person, and over time they may fluctuate and evolve. Even so, some of the most common symptoms are the following: Fatigue, which occurs in around 80% of patients; numbness or tingling in the extremities; weakness of the muscles; pain; and in some cases, depression. The treatment of Multiple Sclerosis is interdisciplinary and starts from the very first moment you are diagnosed as well as during the progress of the disease.


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