
Jock Itch

Jock Itch is a common term for a fungal complaint that affects the groin area but it also often proceeds from here to infect the posterior and around the inner thighs. This infection attacks both male and females, but it is most likely to develop in people who are on the obese side, or if they sweat much more than average. While it is not a dangerous health issue, it is certainly distressing. In addition to the annoying itch, it produces an unsightly red rash on affected skin areas. The more the infected person scratches, the worse the complaint becomes and sometimes pus develops.


On the positive side, jock itch is responsive to various kinds of anti-fungal creams. Usually, application of these creams in accordance with the doctor's instructions brings relief within a few days. However, some people might have adverse reactions to certain creams or simply prefer natural cures. A wide range of home treatments are available, for example, applications of paste made from ground onions or use of a solution composed of white vinegar.


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