Bronchitis is a disease that occurs in the respiratory system, when the mucus membrane in the lungs’ bronchial passage become inflamed, causing a variety of symptoms to occur. As the inflamed membrane grows, breathing becomes increasingly difficult and coughing increases. Bronchitis may be present in an acute state, when it lasts for less than three weeks; on the contrary, it is chronic if it lasts for more than three months or more in the span of two years.
In both cases, symptoms will be similar, and may include a cough that is accompanied by mucus of varying color. In some cases, blood may also be present. Fatigue usually occurs alongside bronchitis, as does shortness of breath. Chest discomfort is also a frequent symptom, and fever may also occur in some cases. Treatment includes consuming plenty of fluids to make mucus more runny, as well as aspirin to treat inflammation as well as fever. If your bronchitis is chronic, you may be prescribed antibiotics.
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