
Bronchitis is a condition that causes inflammation of an individual’s bronchial tubes. These tubes transport air to and from the lungs. Sometimes a cold or infection can trigger a bout of bronchitis. Some people have conditions that lead to the development of chronic bronchitis. Doctors often prescribe antibiotics for bronchitis. People who have chronic bronchitis, however, typically require ongoing treatment for their condition. This can involve antibiotics or other medications. These individuals may also other types of therapy to alleviate their symptoms.

Choose a Healthcare Provider

If you are diagnosed with chronic bronchitis, you should obtain a referral to a doctor who specializes in pulmonary conditions. Although many family care doctors or general practitioners can treat patients with chronic bronchitis, you might be in need of a specialist's care. Managing this condition effectively is important because untreated bronchitis can lead to the development of pneumonia.


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Cough Suppressants

One of the most discomforting symptoms of bronchitis is the coughing it triggers. Thick mucous caused by the inflammation or infection leads to severe bouts of coughing. Cough suppressants can alleviate these fits of coughing so that individuals can perform necessary tasks or can simply get the rest they need.


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Bronchitis Medications

Cough syrups only treat the symptom of coughing; they do not address the bronchitis itself. Your doctor will likely prescribe any of several medications to address your chronic bronchitis. You may require an inhaler or some other medication designed to reduce the inflammation associated with the condition. The right medication can help you live comfortably with your chronic bronchitis even if it cannot cure the condition.

Living with Bronchitis


Wear a Mask

Many people with chronic bronchitis wear a mask when they go out. The air contains many contaminants that could trigger inflammation and cause a bronchitis flare-up. During the winter months, cold air can also trigger bronchitis to flare up. If your chronic bronchitis causes shortness of breath when you go outdoors, especially in winter, be sure to have a mask with you at all times.


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Avoid Irritants

While a mask can help you protect your bronchial tubes and lungs from outdoor contaminants like allergens and pollution, you may find that you need to avoid irritants indoors too. Some fumes from cleaning supplies, for example, can irritate your bronchitis. Even dust and pet dander can trigger a bronchial attack.


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Install a Humidifier

Using a humidifier, especially during the dry winter months, will ensure that there is adequate moisture in the air inside your home. You might want to plug in a humidifier in your bedroom if you find it helps you sleep better. Dry air can trigger bronchitis symptoms. A humidifier ensures that there is enough moisture in the air to keep those unpleasant bronchial symptoms at bay.


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Stop Smoking

Cigarette smoke should be avoided by anyone with a lung condition. If you smoke, your lung problem is likely to worsen. Smoking can trigger more frequent bouts of bronchitis. Second-hand smoke can also trigger bronchitis, so it may be necessary to avoid places where smoking occurs. If your loved one doesn't stop smoking, they may need to go outside each time they have a cigarette to keep your interior free from smoke.


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Drink Water

Drinking water is important for everyone, but it's essential for a bronchitis sufferer. Water moistens the airways so it can help tamp down on flare-ups. Water can make it easier to cough up mucus, which is important for keeping airways clear. Drinking eight glasses of water a day is what healthcare providers recommend.


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Consider Your Diet

Dealing with any chronic condition can tax your body, so be sure to feed it all the nutrients it needs to support optimum health. Eating plenty of good grains, vegetables, and fruit supports a healthy diet. Your doctor may advise you to refrain from certain foods, however. Dairy products like milk and cheese can increase mucus production and lead to more bronchial irritation and coughing.


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Get Rest

Bronchitis flare-ups can lead to poor nights of sleep. Your body requires a healthy amount of sleep to function normally or as your body combats a chronic health condition. Without enough sleep, you may struggle even more. To get a better night's sleep during a flare-up, try propping your head and neck up with multiple pillows to make breathing easier.


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