Bronchitis is considered one of the most common respiratory conditions that makes breathing difficult. Bronchitis causes irritation in your throat, swelling of the bronchial tubes, inflammation, and infection. Some of the common symptoms of bronchitis are fever, chest pain, and cough with mucus. While many people seek medical treatments, you can also heal bronchitis at home by following some of the natural home remedies. For your benefit, we have listed top 10 home remedies for bronchitis. If you do not notice an improvement after treatment, it's best to consult your doctor as this condition can lead to pneumonia.
Garlic is known to provide aroma and flavor to many of the world's favorite dishes. Even though it has a raw, pungent smell and taste when eaten raw, it boasts some amazing health benefits that are worth braving the odor. According to medical experts, eating raw garlic helps to prevent major diseases such as stroke, infections, cancer, and heart disease. You can also grow garlic in your backyard if you have a small garden. Growing garlic is cost-effective and easy to plant. Finally, garlic is sold in nearly every supermarket and is inexpensive to buy.
Mustard is one of the most widely used condiments in the world. Dry mustard boosts the body's metabolism and stimulates the circulation of blood. Mustard is known to have antifungal, diaphoretic, noninflammatory, antibacterial, and emetic properties. It increases the blood pressure in the body and also treats rheumatoid arthritis and bronchitis. Take some dry mustard and mix it with flour. Then pour water into the mixture and create a paste. Apply the paste on your chest and clean it after a while. Repeat this procedure several times. To get better results, use this paste regularly.
Lemons promote a myriad of health benefits. This citrus fruit is known to be a good source of vitamins and nutrients that include potassium, vitamin C, iron, folic acid, zinc, manganese, calcium and vitamin B6. It is also an antibacterial and antioxidant agent. Lemons can provide some relief from bronchitis. First, you need to cut the lemon into small pieces and squeeze out the juice in warm water. Stir the juice well and drink it. If necessary, add some sugar to taste. Drink this concoction each day or as needed.
Produced from the Eucalyptus globulus tree, which is a native tree of Australia, Eucalyptus oil is well known for its many healthful properties. Eucalyptus tree oil is considered to have amazing medical properties and can cure fever, fungal infections, sinus pain, asthma, coughs, bronchitis, and even wounds. First, you will need to add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to boiling water and mix it well. Then, cover the head with a cotton cloth or towel and breathe in the steam. This is an efficient steam therapy that can relieve the symptoms bronchitis.
Ginger has been a potent natural medicine since the Roman Empire. Today, it is known as one of the most used condiments in the world. Ginger has more than 100 chemical components. It contains anti-fungal, anti-tussive, antibacterial, antispasmodic, and anti-inflammatory properties, and is highly antioxidant. You can create a ginger tonic to drink that can soothe your coughing spells and other associated symptoms.
Honey is produced through evaporation and regurgitation and is a good source of vitamins and nutrients including potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphate, magnesium, vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, and chlorine. It is composed of anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties. First, you will need to first water in a pan and add a few drops of lemon and one teaspoon of honey. Pour the mixture into a glass and drink it before it cools down. The combination will provide you with instant relief and also decrease inflammation in your throat.
Sesame seeds are one of the oldest crops in the world. They're very healthy and contain numerous medicinal properties. The seeds are an excellent source of calcium, iron, copper, and magnesium. Sesame seeds may decrease blood pressure, prevent migraines, cure bronchitis, and reduce the risk of heart disease. First, you will need to add some sesame seeds to a warm glass of water with honey and salt. Stir the mixture well and drink it every night before you go to bed. You can also add sesame seeds to a glass of milk.
Bay leaf is one of the best natural remedies to treat bronchitis. Also called Laurus nobilis, it has multiple nutrients and vitamins that can enhance your health. It has been known to induce the healing wounds, treating of bacterial and fungal infections, detoxifying the body, decreasing inflammation, promoting proper digestion, and preventing cancer. First, you will need to add two to three bay leaves in boiling water. Add tea grains and stir well. Strain the tea with the help of a sieve and drink the mixture every day until you're on the mend.
Many natural health professionals consider mullein one of the best remedies for bronchitis. It consists of gelatinous mucilage which enables to alleviate the mucous membrane with saponin. The tea made from mullein helps to clear the mucus and ease the respiratory problems in your body. First, pour water in a pan and boil it for few minutes. Then pour the warm water into a glass and add two teaspoons of mullein leaves. Stir the mixture well and strain the mixture through a sieve. You must drink the mullein tea at least three times a day regularly.
A mere twenty almonds a day can be a good source of many nutrients and vitamins that include calcium, potassium, magnesium, B vitamins, iron, and phosphorus. Almonds offer multiple health benefits such as warding off insomnia, reducing cholesterol in the blood, treating bronchitis, reducing coughing attacks, and much more. To alleviate bronchitis, you can consume a few almonds every five to six hours. You can also add the almonds salads or other dishes.
This site offers information designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on any information on this site as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or as a substitute for, professional counseling care, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional.