

ADHD is a mental condition passed down through genes, and as such, completely unrelated to any lifestyle. However, those affected by ADHD display a certain pattern of behavior that remains unique to this condition. Children are most commonly influenced by this disease, and although it does subside with extensive treatment and psychotherapies, it can never be completely eradicated from the mind.

In the early stages of ADHD, children tend to behave erratically, which usually comes with certain levels of hyperactivity and a short attention span. As the disorder progresses, the symptoms gradually worsen into a full inability of functioning when it comes to the process of education. People with ADHD cannot study for longer than an average of 15 minutes, due to their incapability of remaining focused on their actions. These children perform poorly at school, which is why their teachers must obtain special licenses before educating these troubled young individuals.

Children with ADHD are especially troublesome in their social circles, as they often have uncontrolled reactions and are prone to seldom refraining from questionable acts of violence and derogatory comments. All of the mentioned symptoms, as well as constant fidgeting and other characteristics of ADHD, can be treated by professionals, which would allow these children to follow a stable career.


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