
Sore Throat

The warm membrane lining of the throat provides the right environment for bacteria and viruses to flourish. As a result, the membrane becomes inflamed, making the throat sore. When you have a sore throat, the right treatment will quickly get you back to a normal life. Most often, you need to soothe the throat to feel better. Many treatments are prescribed based on what caused your sore throat. The most common cause is a virus, but some sore throats are bacterial.

  To help determine what the cause of your sore throat is, you will go through tests before receiving advice and treatment. If results show that you have a bacterial infection, your doctor will prescribe medicine that is suitable for you. The doctor will also give you advice on how to manage your symptoms.

  If the results show that your sore throat is caused by something else, your doctor will go through treatment options to relieve your symptoms.


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