

Breathing is something most of us take for granted. However, if you have difficulties breathing or suffer from certain diseases, you can benefit from respiratory therapy. It usually includes diagnostic procedures, critical care procedures (for example, asthma management and ventilation management), and therapeutic procedures.

Bacterial infections are the most common cause of respiratory problems. Smokers and people with chronic lung illnesses are at higher risk of developing a disease. Most often, antibiotics can effectively treat infections.

Your doctor can also prescribe specific therapeutic devices for your respiratory condition, for example, humidifiers, ventilators, suction equipment, and oximeters. These are necessary for people who have difficulty breathing on their own.

If you are on home oxygen therapy, special equipment can tell whether your oxygen saturation is adequate. You should also use special devices to monitor and record your condition regularly. Your doctor will be able to adjust your treatment plan based on this data.


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