
Staph Infection

A Staph infection is a general name that covers a range of illnesses caused by bacteria. At one extreme there are easy to treat skin infections while at the opposite extreme these bacteria can produce serious lung and heart problems.


Most people experience the minor type of staph infections. Typical examples include the appearance of red boils on the behind, on the neck or other areas. During these boils sting, they pose no health threat. The development of pus in a cut or wound is another very common form of these infections. In rare cases, these skin infections lead to more life changing issues. For example, a joint infection may lead to septic arthritis.


It is surprising to learn that about a third of the population carry the bacteria that cause staph infections in their nostrils or other parts of the body. However, they remain unaffected until some wound occurs. There is also a danger of getting staph infections via equipment used in various medical procedures.


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