

Rosacea is an inflammatory skin condition that results in facial redness and itchiness. The main symptoms are very similar to acne - small red bumps and pustules. That is why Rosacea is often called adult acne, but the disease has nothing to do with blackheads and pimples that affect teens.

  The causes of Rosacea are unknown, but scientists think it is due to environmental and hereditary factors. Although the main cause is a mystery, many factors can trigger the disease or make it worse. Avoid activities that provoke an inflammatory reaction, such as alcoholic beverages and junk food.

  Rosacea is a chronic condition that comes and goes in cycles. It can worsen with time when left untreated and cause pimples and nasal bumps. There is no cure for this disease, but proper treatment can control the symptoms and prevent it from getting worse. Treatment options depend on specific symptoms and include medications and self-help measures.


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