Menopause is something every woman will go through when they reach a certain age. The exact age differs in each person, usually sometime after 40, but it marks the end of her reproductive cycle. The ovaries will no longer release and egg every month and therefore she will stop menstruating altogether.
The symptoms in each woman can vary greatly but they include, insomnia, fatigue, mood swings and depression. Headaches, muscle and joint pains, bladder control issues and vagainal dryness are also present. The most common side effect is sweating or hot flashes were there will be a sudden warmth spreading all over the body and the need to cool down immediately.
As this is a natural condition where and the symptoms will eventually disappear. There is no ‘cure’ but there is some help. Hormone therapy is available to menopausal women, a lifestyle change in regard to exercise and diet, plus alternative therapies such as acupuncture and meditation may help you to deal with the symptoms better on a day-to-day basis.
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