

Also known as morbilli, rubeola or red measles, measles is a highly contagious infection of the respiratory system that spreads upon contact with infected saliva and mucus, which is usually released when a sufferer coughs or sneezes. The virus can survive on all kinds of surfaces for up to a few hours, during which it consistently releases infectious particles into the surrounding air, thus potentially infecting everyone present. Sharing a drink or cutlery with a measles-infected individual almost certainly results in infection.

  The initial symptoms of measles often include a high fever, a cough, a runny nose and inflamed eyeballs. Approximately three days after the appearance of primary symptoms, there's a chance that small pale spots will appear on the inside of the mouth cavity (also known as Koplik's spots). Three to five days after the start of the infection, a red rash will appear on the face and spread throughout the entire surface of the body.

  It is estimated that out of 114,900 deceased victims of measles, most individuals were aged 5 and under. Measles causes death in 30% of its inhibitions, by leading to further complications, such as diarrhea, pneumonia, blindness, and inflammation of the brain. There is no specific treatment for measles, only supplementary medication.


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