
Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is an infectious disease caused by the Borrelia bacteria. It is transmitted through the bite of different ticks, which usually need to be attached during at least 36 hours to allow the bacteria to spread. In the United States, lyme disease affects approximately 300,000 people a year; of course, this figure varies according to the time of year and the area. <br> When it comes to detecting lyme disease, it can sometimes be difficult to pinpoint the signs and symptoms; in some cases, they may not even be present. However, most people will experience flu-like symptoms, including headache, muscle pain, fever and malaise. Typically a characteristic rash may also appear, even though around 25% of people will not develop one. Antibiotics are the most common treatment for lyme disease, but the extent of the disease will ultimately determine the treatment of choice. Normally, antibiotics will be taken anywhere between one and four weeks, all the way until the disease is completely eradicated.


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