

Lupus is a long-lasting autoimmune disease that can affect any part of the body, including the vital organs as well as bones and joints. Symptoms can last anywhere from six weeks to over a year. Lupus occurs when your body's autoimmune system - normally tasked with fighting off infections - confuses your own body's cells with foreign invading cells. This results in pain and inflammation in different parts of the body.

Even though this condition is mostly found in middle-aged women, it can appear in people of any gender or age. The symptoms that lupus cause are, for example, a pain or swelling of the joints; a fever of unknown origin; hair loss and the appearance of rashes on the skin. There are many different treatment for lupus, but the most common one is a drug known as Nonsteroidal. Anti-inflammatory drugs as well as over-the-counter drugs may be used to treat the different symptoms.


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