

Glaucoma is a progressively worsening condition that damages the optic nerves of the eye. It is usually inherited, and is commonly associated with a buildup of pressure in the eye, which damages the optic nerve. Consequently, the brain is not able to receive images and vision becomes impaired or blurred. If left untreated, glaucoma will cause a complete loss of vision within a few years. It is important to receive frequent check-ups to ensure that you don’t have glaucoma - early detection is key in treating this condition.

The worst thing about Glaucoma is that its symptoms are difficult to detect. In many cases, the disease will have progressed without the presence of any symptoms. If you perceive any of these symptoms, you may have Glaucoma: pain in the eye; seeing halos around light; a loss of vision or blurriness, and nausea or vomiting. There are different types of treatment for Glaucoma, including eye drops, laser eye surgery, or microsurgery.


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