Genital warts are small bumps that are caused by HPV (human papillomavirus) which is a sexually transmitted disease. They can appear on the vagina, penis, or anus. When left untreated, warts can cause more serious disease such as cervical cancer. However, quite often genital warts clear without treatment.
Sometimes, the warts are so small many people don't even know they have the disease. Most often, a person is diagnosed with genital warts after special testing and screening. Warts are not life-threatening and can be easily treated.
The prognosis for patients with genital warts is special treatment, follow-up care, and protection during sexual activity. However, even when warts are cleared, a person can pass HPV to partners. Most often, HPV can clear without treatment. In fact, males may not have any symptoms of the infection. Females are more likely to suffer genital warts symptoms and should undergo extensive therapy to treat the virus.
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