For people who have celiac disease, their bodies cannot process the gluten in food. Their immune system creates antibodies that end up attacking their intestinal lining, this then leads to damage to the intestine and small intestine.
Gluten is a protein that is found in some grains. Once the body is damaged, it is then hard for it to absorb all the good nutrients and fats, calcium, folate and iron. Not absorbing these and having inflammation in the intestine, means that sufferers may end up seriously malnourished, even though they are eating nourishing food.
Naturally digestive problems, bloating, cramps, gas, and diarrhoea are symptoms of celiac disease, but you may also experience a skin rash, joint and bone pain, muscle cramps or seizures, tingling in the legs, and sores in the mouth. Untreated it can also lead to larger problems such as many autoimmune diseases, Osteoporosis, infertility or miscarriage and birth defects as the result of not being able to absorb nutrients like folic acid.
Treatment of Celiac Disease starts with diet. Cutting out all gluten from your diet will improve the condition greatly. This diet will need to be followed for the rest of your life and if there is already irreversible damage to your intestine, you may also need nutritional supplements through an IV.
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