
Yeast Infection

Yeast Infection is a fungus that lives everywhere, including human bodies. Our immune system can keep the infection under control. However, when we are sick or taking antibiotics, yeast can multiply and lead to infection.

  The infection cannot be transferred through sexual contact. However, there is a chance to develop rash and itching on the penis or vagina after having sexual contact with an infected person. Having a yeast infection can be the first sign of more serious problems. As well, some serious infections can be mistaken for a yeast infection.

  The main symptoms of a yeast infection include burning, itching, swelling pain, and painful urination. The infection can be treated with antifungal medications that can be prescribed as a cream or pills. A common treatment lasts for a week. However, patients with severe symptoms may have longer courses of treatment.

  It is possible to prevent yeast infection by taking good care of the genital area. If you develop symptoms of infection, sitting in a warm bath can help, as well.


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