The West Nile Virus can affect humans, mosquitoes, birds, and other mammals. Most people are susceptible to this virus, although some are immune. Most people exposed to the virus through mosquito bites do not develop any symptoms and those that do usually develop mild symptoms.
The West Nile Virus is closely linked to mosquitoes. Thus it is a seasonal virus that flares up during summer and slowly disappears during the fall. Some patients develop severe symptoms, such as confusion and headaches. They should immediately visit their doctor.
To diagnose the West Nile Virus, your doctor will assess the risk of exposure and ask about your family history. People who are 50 years old or older are at a higher risk of developing symptoms of the virus. If you have symptoms similar to the virus infection, the doctor will draw blood to make a diagnosis.
There are different ways to treat the virus. In most cases, people experience mild symptoms such as mild aches and pains that pass without medical help. However, severe symptoms require supportive treatment and nursing care.
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