Spinal Stenosis is a disorder that is triggered by the pressure on the spinal cord and its nerves. The disease makes the spinal canal narrow and results in back pain, nerve problems, and sciatica. Most people have pain in their lower back and neck, but some people don't have any symptoms. Sometimes, patients have problems with bowel control due to the nerve damage caused by spinal stenosis.
There is a list of disorders – including rheumatoid arthritis, degenerative joint disease, spinal injuries, nerve pain, and tumors – that can cause spinal stenosis. Some patients live with the disease for years and don't have any signs of it. But the majority notice that symptoms come gradually and get worse with time. The first symptom is pain and then comes numbness, weakness, and throbbing.
There are effective treatments for spinal stenosis including medications for lower back pain. Sometimes, spinal surgery is necessary. Also, exercising, stretching, and warming or icing the painful area provides temporary relief.
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