SIDS is an acronym for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, a tragic occurrence that is also commonly referred to as cot deaths. Medical researchers are continually working away to try and discover the reasons why babies that seem to be healthy mysteriously pass way in their first six months of life, usually during their sleep. It is easy to understand why many worry about SIDS but it has to be pointed out that it is very rare. For example, 300 cases in the UK with its population of about 60 million.
Further research is needed before SIDS becomes better understood but studies of the statistics do provide some indications of factors involved, for example, they show that those premature and underweight babies are more at risk. For some reason, the risk also seems to be slightly more for boys. Smoking is another factor that it seems increases the risks somewhat. It is also recommended not to let newly born babies sleep face down but rather put them to sleep on their backs.
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