

Scabies is an infection that causes severe itching that increases in intensity over time. Scabies is caused by a small species of mites that burrow into the skin, causing the infection. This disease is especially prominent in people of old age in nursing homes. More than 300 million cases of scabies are reported worldwide each year. The microscopic size of the mites makes diagnosis challenging.


The most visible symptom is a patch of rashes in the affected areas. Such areas can include webs between fingers, wrists and elbows. Even though there may be hundreds of red bumps, there are normally only around 10 to 15 mites in a healthy human being.


Another frequent symptom is the appearance of small tunnels that are only a few millimeters in length, which can appear near the affected areas. Scabies may be treated with over the counter or prescribed mite killing creams.


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