The Salmonella illness is also commonly referred to as food poisoning. Its typical symptoms are stomach pains, with diarrhea, nausea, with in some cases a high temperature. Salmonella is contracted through bacteria found in food that has been prepared on stored in unhygienic conditions. After eating such food, symptoms may appear within just half a day, or it may take up to three days before they become evident. In most cases, after four or seven days feeling sick the illness passes with no need for any medical intervention. Dehydration is the greatest risk that faces infected individuals. If this happens, they might need to be put on an intravenous drip in a hospital.
Although any person can get salmonella poisoning children and seniors are most at risk. In addition to the most common case where the illness develops after eating contaminated food, it can also be spread between people if they fail to wash their hands properly or if they have contact with pet reptiles, who often host this disease
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