
Rotator Cuff Disease

A rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons surrounding the join of the shoulder. Few body parts are most well known for their ability to become injured. Due to its heavy involvement in physical activity, the rotator cuff is one of these few. When it becomes injured, it becomes swollen and inflamed. In addition to injury, this area can experience rotator cuff disease. Pain and swelling to the cuff can also come with age. Repeated overuse results in the bursa becoming inflamed and the tendons tearing. If left untreated, rotator cuff disease can develop into arthritis. Speedy diagnoses and treatment can prevent these complications.
You can tell you have an injury to this part because of pain in the shoulders, arms, and elbows. The pain can occur after lifting weights, and reaching for or throwing an object. Sleeping on the injured shoulder can exacerbate the pain and the injury itself. Doctors use physical examinations, imaging tests, and x-rays to diagnose this condition.

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