

Ringworm or Tinea corporis is a fungal infection that develops under the top layer of the skin. This infection is contagious and can be spread through direct contact with others. Despite the name, there are no real worms involved.

  Ringworm can affect the feet, scalp, or nails. When it is on the foot, it is called athlete's foot, and the rash is patchy. In fact, the rashes a patient can see may not be round at all - they may look like scaly, red patches. Ringworm of the scalp appears like a small sore that develops into patchy, scaly, flaky spots. The infection can result in hair breakage. It can also cause the scalp to be swollen and red. Ringworm on the nails can affect one or more nails. The nails turn yellow and brittle. The nail ringworm can develop after puberty.

  If the rash doesn't fade in a week, you should see a doctor to get anti-fungal medications to treat the infection.


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