
Postpartum Depression

Also known as postnatal depression, this kind of clinical depression is specifically associated with pregnancy and childbirth. It affects 1 in 7 women who have just given birth. Postpartum Depression may start in the first few weeks after your baby's birth, or within the baby's first year of life. First time moms and mothers with previous children can also experience this for the first time after subsequent births. Symptoms include the feeling of sadness and hopelessness, crying, and loss of interest in things or people around you. There may be a feeling of guilt about not bonding with your baby or the feeling of unreachable expectations about being able to care for your baby.

  Any new mother can experience postpartum depression, but those higher at risk are those that have a history of depression if there is a high level of stress or problems in your life and young mothers who have no support. Hormone levels rise and drop suddenly through the course of giving birth; this can affect women in various ways and trigger mood changes and depression in some women. A doctor can diagnose this condition, but it's important to be aware of the symptoms in the first place, as many can go unnoticed or ignored.


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