Pink Eye is a condition in which the conjunctiva (the mucous membrane that lines the surface of the eye) become inflamed or swollen. The eye will often appear red or irritated when compared to the normal, clear appearance that it has. Normally, pink eye is not a dangerous condition, and will usually disappear within 7 to 10 days. Because pink eye is very contagious, it’s important to ensure sanitary conditions, including frequent washing of hands.
Pink eye can be caused by the presence of different types of bacteria, chemicals, or certain meteorological conditions. The symptoms of Pinkeye may include a difference in the size of the pupils; redness around the eye; a blurred vision; sensitivity to light; or believing that there is a foreign object in the eye. If you notice any of these symptoms, pay a visit to your physician who will most likely prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection. A warm compress may also be used to soothe the eye and reduce pain and swelling.
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