

Leukemia is a certain type of cancer, specifically a cancer of the blood cells.  This is where abnormal white blood cells are produced in the bone marrow, and they begin to take over the production of red blood cells, overcrowding and leading to symptoms like trouble breathing and tiredness, being easily bruised and have a greater risk of infections. A patient may also experience weight loss, red spots on the skin, swollen lymph nodes, night sweats and fever, and bone and joint pain.


There are many different types of Leukemia classified as either Myeloid or Lymphoid.  Your doctor will advise a physical exam, blood test, x-rays and even a bone marrow biopsy to find what kind of Leukaemia is on the body. Once determined, the treatment depends on the patient’s health, age, and type of Leukemia. These include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, biological therapy, targeted therapy and stem cell transplantations, in conjunction with many supported therapies for the disease.


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