

Gastritis is when the stomach lining becomes swollen and inflamed. This is a very common occurrence and can be caused when the balance between the corrosive acid in your stomach and the natural mucous barrier becomes unhinged and the acid is damaging the lining of your stomach, which can lead to a stomach ulcer.


This condition can be caused by many things such as an infection of Helicobacter pylori bacteria, the overuse of anti-inflammatory medicines, critical injury or major surgery, and drinking too much alcohol. Symptoms relate to abdominal and indigestion pain, vomiting blood or blood in your stools, along with losing weight.


For treatment, there is acid-suppressing medicine (antacids) but you will need to change the way you eat. Having smaller, more frequent meals, no alcohol, avoiding irritating foods (spicy or fatty, acidic or fried), plus reducing stress. Please talk to your doctor about changing any painkilling medication you may be on.


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