

Cushing's Syndrome is a condition that develops in the body due to an abnormally high presence of the hormone cortisol. Cortisol is an important element that regulates how your body works; for example, it helps your body to respond to stress and it also contributes to the functioning of the immune system.


However, an excess of cortisol has harmful effects on health. There are various causes of Cushing's Syndrome, but the most common one is related to an overconsumption of cortisol medication. Symptoms can be both physical and psychological. Some of the most frequent symptoms of Cushing's Syndrome include weight gain as well as fatty deposits in different parts of the body. Fatigue and anxiety are also commonly reported symptoms, as well as depression.


Treatment will depend on the cause. In most cases, however, medication will help to reduce the effects of cortisol or to treat related symptoms.


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